Pool Automation
Easy Control, Scheduling & Maintenance of your Pool & Spa.
Our swimming pool automation is among the industry’s best. It makes operation and maintenance of your pool and spa easy and reliable. Automated control features include heating, pool and landscape lighting, scheduling and filtration cycles operations, sanitizing, waterfalls and fountains.

Adding automation to your swimming pool and spa setup will simplify all work-intensive functions
such as sanitization, balancing pH, cleaning and filtration.
Get even more control with the intuitive user interfaces that enable full customization of your system to manage other backyard features including landscape and pool lighting, water features, fire pits and more. Perhaps best of all, pool automation can save you money. By automating essential pool and spa functions, you can save up to 70% on your pool’s energy costs.

Pool Automation
Control from Anywhere
With our automated control systems, scheduling and operating your filtration cycles, heating, pool and landscape lighting, sanitizing, waterfalls and fountains all will be blissfully automatic. System controllers and remote controls have been designed to be push-button simple, with easy-to-read digital displays and step-by-step menu-driven instructions.

Put your pool on cruise control with automated control systems.

Pool automation allows you to control your pool anytime, anywhere with intelligent pool control from your smartphone, tablet, or web-connected device.

Monitor pool “health.”

Adjust schedules to conserve energy.

Set spa temperature and lighting remotely before you arrive.

IRRIGATION: Adjust schedules to protect landscaping, conserve water. Respond to weather forecasts from your sofa. Automatically adjust for the seasons.

Contact us.